Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (Assembly Hours)

    January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023

    Assembly Number

    Your name

    Your email

    Your Phone

    Section I. Fraternal Program Activities

    Faith Activities

    Hours of Service

    Refund Support Vocations Program

    Church Facilities

    Catholic Schools/Seminaries

    Religious Vocation Ed

    Prayer/Study Programs

    Sacramental Gifts

    Miscellaneous Faith Activities

    Total Faith Contributions

    Family Activities

    Hours of Service

    Food for Families

    Family Formation Programs

    Keep Christ in Christmas

    Family Week

    Family Prayer Night

    Misc. Family Programs

    Total Family Activities

    Community Activities

    Hours of Service

    Coats For Kids

    Global Wheelchair Mission

    Habitat For Humanity

    Disaster Prepare/Relief

    Physical/Intellectual Disabilities

    Elder/Widow Care

    Hospital/Health Orgs

    Columbian Squires

    Scout/Youth Groups


    Youth/Welfare Service

    Scholarshiop Education

    Veteran Military/VAVS

    Misc. Community/Youth Activities

    Total Community Contributions

    Life Activities

    Hours of Service

    Special Olympics

    Marches For Life

    Ultrasound Initiative

    Pregnancy Center Support

    Christian Refugee Relief

    Memorials to Unborn Children

    Misc. Life Activities

    Total Life Contributions

    Grand Total All Totals Above

    Section II. Fraternal Commitment Activities





    Total Meetings

    Other Frequent Commitments

    Visits To The Sick

    Visits To The Bereaved

    Blood Donations

    Masses for Members

    Hours of Service to Sick/Disabled Members


    Please Complete As Many Fields As Possible Where You Contributed Volunteer Hours

      There Are 2 Different Surveys So Please Verify You Are Completing the Council Survey or the Assembly Survey

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